
Showing posts from October, 2021

If Abortion should be illegal 10 29 2021

 If Abortion should be illegal, then perhaps Divorce should also be illegal? Follow the inherent logic? © 2021 Thomas Murphy

Is Prostitution a Felony? 10 22 2021

 Apparently not. But shouldn't it be? It is pretty serious isn't it?  I mean we went to war over slavery didn't we! Pretty serious when you go to war over something isn't it?  Pretty serious when we create a Constitutional Amendment to end it. *****' And what about immigration?  What is wrong with putty up the No Vacancy sign on the country? It is Capitalism so it is a business?  You go to a Hotel and they are full, you don't get in! So we go over to the middle east and quite a few young men and women in the Armed Forces die.  They come back likely end up being homeless.  But for some reason we bring back 50,000 Afganistans?  As if we are assured of finding homes for them? There is a little bit of a double standard there?  Or an inherent conflict between Capitalism and Charity? You and I have to work to make ends meat and lose our homes if we don't.  But so...

And I do wonder 10 18 2021

 And I do wonder how many babies put up for adoption come from prostitution or the moral equivalent of it! If our Lord knew! I do not view a baby as a sack of wheat.  I do not view a baby as a communist unit. I view a baby as coming from a responsible heterosexual married mother and father in an act of love.  Two individuals who want to o love and nurture that child to learn to think for itself and be a responsible member of our Democracy. Not an unfortunate side effect of a one night stand at a bar where both were drinking alcohol which is harmful to humanity at that conception and development stage. Can I require pro life to pro prostitution or the morally equivalent of it.  I see it that way.  What, do you want to hate people like me because I see things differently than you and can actually provide an articulated reason. *****' And how many wealthy Republicans really view a child as a threat to their jetset lifestyle rather than what a family is supposed to ...

The illegitimacy created 10 04 2021

 The illegitimacy created 10 04 2021 Perhaps is the teacher that resents teaching the bright student? Much like the charlatan that resents being questioned about his snake oil? © 2021 Thomas Murphy

So we had some propaganda from a former President about Protecting Americans that are already here. 10 04 2021

 So we had some propaganda from a former President about Protecting Americans that are already here. 10 04 2021 And that is anti abortion President. What about protecting Americans that are already born un-faulted from those that will be? I view the greatest threat to our Democracy and your freedom as being an anti abortion President. © 2021 Thomas Murphy

Okay I just created this blog to serve as a collection of everything I have written on the topic 10 04 2021

 Okay I just created this blog to serve as a collection of everything I have written on the topic 10 04 2021 Initial Article and Description of Opinion. What my personal experience about those who are Pro Life is most of them are set in their opinion on the matter.  And if not to the point of enforcing it with violence.  But again what has my personal understanding of these people amounted to? They all came out of the womb with something wrong with them.  A flaw!  If it isn't dyslexia, or autism or downs syndrome, or cerebral palsy or some other birth defect.  That is why the pro choice crowd is the way it is. One would believe that these people would live their lives being highly grateful!  But instead we find projected anger.  As if the topic would lead to euthanasia or genocide? Do you know what my understanding of God and the Bible is of the matter? "No God fearing man would have a child like that." No God fearing man would drink alcohol like ...