Is Prostitution a Felony? 10 22 2021

 Apparently not.

But shouldn't it be? It is pretty serious isn't it?  I mean we went to war over slavery didn't we!

Pretty serious when you go to war over something isn't it?  Pretty serious when we create a Constitutional Amendment to end it.


And what about immigration?  What is wrong with putty up the No Vacancy sign on the country?

It is Capitalism so it is a business?  You go to a Hotel and they are full, you don't get in!

So we go over to the middle east and quite a few young men and women in the Armed Forces die.  They come back likely end up being homeless.  But for some reason we bring back 50,000 Afganistans?  As if we are assured of finding homes for them?

There is a little bit of a double standard there?  Or an inherent conflict between Capitalism and Charity?

You and I have to work to make ends meat and lose our homes if we don't.  But somehow we let 50,000 Afghanistans in?

You and I struggle to find jobs paying to keep us above the poverty line?

So why bring them in?  Because it makes the wealthy feel like they are the ruling class when they have a group of people who don't speak English, whose lives they get to manage?  They can't stand the upwardly mobile educated.  Somehow they are made to hear voices and death from sleep deprivation/exhaustion from hearing voices 24/7 when they get a good job.  Oh, but we don't dare speak of that or mention names.

And the test scores are horrible in Public Schools, but that doesn't matter bring in 50,000 more!

Who is playing chess with our lives?  Who is making these ostensibly humanitarian decisions!  What a phrase, ostensible humanitarian decisions.

So it boils down to lack of Representation for the Middle Class.

© 2021 Thomas Paul Murphy



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