And I do wonder how many babies put up for adoption come from prostitution or the moral equivalent of it! If our Lord knew! I do not view a baby as a sack of wheat. I do not view a baby as a communist unit. I view a baby as coming from a responsible heterosexual married mother and father in an act of love. Two individuals who want to o love and nurture that child to learn to think for itself and be a responsible member of our Democracy. Not an unfortunate side effect of a one night stand at a bar where both were drinking alcohol which is harmful to humanity at that conception and development stage. Can I require pro life to pro prostitution or the morally equivalent of it. I see it that way. What, do you want to hate people like me because I see things differently than you and can actually provide an articulated reason. *****' And how many wealthy Republicans really view a child as a threat to their jetset lifestyle rather than what a family is supposed to ...
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