Okay I just created this blog to serve as a collection of everything I have written on the topic 10 04 2021

 Okay I just created this blog to serve as a collection of everything I have written on the topic 10 04 2021

Initial Article and Description of Opinion.

What my personal experience about those who are Pro Life is most of them are set in their opinion on the matter.  And if not to the point of enforcing it with violence.  But again what has my personal understanding of these people amounted to?

They all came out of the womb with something wrong with them.  A flaw!  If it isn't dyslexia, or autism or downs syndrome, or cerebral palsy or some other birth defect.  That is why the pro choice crowd is the way it is.

One would believe that these people would live their lives being highly grateful!  But instead we find projected anger.  As if the topic would lead to euthanasia or genocide?

Do you know what my understanding of God and the Bible is of the matter?

"No God fearing man would have a child like that."

No God fearing man would drink alcohol like a fish and get a woman of the same ilk pregnant.  No God fearing man would do that.  (Resultant birth defects.)

I don't mean to belabor a point.  But organized religion seems to back prolife.  The clergy of which is populated by those who couldn't learn a skill or trade other than serving alcohol in ceremony?

No God fearing man would have a child like that.

What did Jesus Christ have to say about it?

It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven.  And, What good is a man to gain the entire world of money but loose his human soul?

Jesus was indeed talking about his own Kingdom of Heaven!  And you read those two statements of his and you realize who isn't going to be in there!  Someone that doesn't have a soul!

In order to have a soul you need to have the ability to think about things ethically and morally.  You need to be able to remember the lessons of good and bad.  Therefore you need to be able to learn for yourself.  And you also need to be able to apply knowledge.

The hippocampus is the area of the brain that is responsible for memory gatewaying.  Those who are born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder have heavy and irreversible damage to the hippocampus.

Does what Jesus said apply?  I believe so.

Having a soul also means having the developed intelligence to care for other people.  The ability to look out for other people.  To keep them from harm.

And that is indeed the intent of my opinion on the matter.  And it will not change either.  No matter how you try and convince me in a cutesy and little lamb way.

You can't get in the kingdom of heaven without your own soul.  And nor can you stay in heaven without having your own soul.  Nor can you steal a soul or the future of that soul in order to get into heaven. Hence that is why Satan was cast out of heaven.  Satan didn't belong in heaven.

© 2021 Thomas Murphy

Freedom, we are not meant to be ruled by a growing faction of faulted malcontents.  We are not meant to be the oxen to their burden.


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