Isn't Pro Choice Really Motivated by

Isn't Pro Choice really Motivated by Materialism?

I mean where would Jesus Christ say about it?  He would say the families that adopted created the economic conditions so that a mother could not keep her child.

Don't we often here that as the reason for adoption?  A family of well means wants that child?  Well means =materialsim.

And what did Jesus say about the wealthy; effectively that they were not going to heaven because they have no soul.

And these are not opinions that can be contorted by will and argument to mean a different interpretation than that.

I think if we did a poll on it you would find the people who are anti abortion are also highly materialistic.

To not care about the mother as a person but as the fetus as a matter of Materialism.

It started with convent mins stealing Irish babies and getting paid for them by New York families.  So originally it was motivated by Materialism and not true religion; but rather satanism.

And is not that which doesn't have a soul as Jesus factually described the equivalent of Satan?

© 2021 Thomas Paul Murphy


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